of the function mf_get_urlR/mf_get_opt_param.R
Precompute the parameter opt_param
to further provide as input of the mf_get_url function. Useful to speed-up the overall processing time.
mf_get_opt_param(collection, roi, credentials = NULL, verbose = "inform")
string. mandatory. Collection of interest (see details of mf_get_url).
object of class sf
. mandatory. Area of region of interest. Must be a Simple feature collection with geometry type POLYGON, composed of one or several rows (i.e. one or several ROIs), and with at least two columns: 'id' (an identifier for the roi) and 'geom' (the geometry).
vector string of length 2 with username and password. optional if the function mf_login was previously executed.
string. Verbose mode ("quiet", "inform", or "debug"). Default "inform".
a list with the following named objects :
OPeNDAP indices for the spatial coordinates of the bounding box of the ROI (minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon)
Variables available for the collection of interest
The spatial coordinates of the bounding box of the ROI expressed in the CRS of the collection
The X (longitude) vector
The Y (longitude) vector
The time vector, or NULL if the collection does not have a time vector
The MODIS tile(s) number(s) for the ROI or NULL if the collection is not MODIS
When it is needed to loop the function mf_get_url over several time frames, it is advised to previously run the function mf_get_opt_param
and provide the output as input opt_param
parameter of the mf_get_url function.
This will save much time, as internal parameters will be calculated only once.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Login to Earthdata
log <- mf_login(credentials = c("earthdata_un", "earthdata_pw"))
# Get the optional parameters for the collection MOD11A1.061 and the following roi :
roi <- sf::st_as_sf(
id = "roi_test",
geom = "POLYGON ((-5.82 9.54, -5.42 9.55, -5.41 8.84, -5.81 8.84, -5.82 9.54))"
wkt = "geom", crs = 4326
opt_param_mod11a1 <- mf_get_opt_param("MOD11A1.061", roi)
# Now we can provide opt_param_mod11a1 as input parameter of the function mf_get_url().
time_ranges <- list(
as.Date(c("2016-01-01", "2016-01-31")),
as.Date(c("2017-01-01", "2017-01-31")),
as.Date(c("2018-01-01", "2018-01-31")),
as.Date(c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-31"))
(urls_mod11a1 <- map(.x = time_ranges, ~ mf_get_url(
collection = "MOD11A1.061",
variables = c("LST_Day_1km", "LST_Night_1km", "QC_Day", "QC_Night"),
roi = roi,
time_range = .x,
opt_param = opt_param_mod11a1
} # }