Get the variables available for a given collection, along with a set of related information for each.

mf_list_variables(collection, credentials = NULL)



string. mandatory. Collection of interest (see details of mf_get_url).


vector string of length 2 with username and password. optional if the function mf_login was previously executed.


A data.frame with the variables available for the collection, and a set of related information for each variable. The variables marked as "extractable" in the column "extractable_w_opendapr" can be provided as input parameter variables of the function mf_get_url


if (FALSE) {
# login to Earthdata
log <- mf_login(c("earthdata_un","earthdata_pw"))

# Get the variables available for the collection MOD11A1.061
(df_varinfo <- mf_list_variables("MOD11A1.061"))